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Koki Kawanami Acupuncture

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平成11年4⽉  明治鍼灸⼤学⼊学

平成15年3⽉  明治鍼灸⼤学卒業

平成21年1⽉  Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine College, Berkeley(AIMCバークレー校)⼊学 


平成23年12⽉   Acupuncture&Integrative Medicine College,Berkeley 卒業









   Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine Collage, Berkeleyにて講師





平成24年4⽉ー平成30年5月 鍼灸漢方クリニック開業


   カリフォルニア州立大学バークレー校(University of California Berkeley)にて特別講師







はり師免許: #122093 平成14年5⽉2⽇登録

きゅう師免許:#122010 平成14年5⽉2⽇登録

California Acupuncture License: #AC14625 (米国カリフォルニア州)











中医学の湯液医療(漢方)、および機能性医学・functional medicine(ファンクショナル・メディスン)の知識と臨床経験を通じ、ライフスタイル改善をベースとした疾病予防・健康増進指導を得意とする。

Koki Kawanami serves Acupuncture treatment around Yokohama city in Japan.  Koki specializes in Traditional Japanese Acupuncture from Japan.  Japanese Acupuncture focuses on gentle needling techniques, moxibustion therapy and palpation.  The use of palpation is a key factor for diagnosing a patient.  This is a very subtle technique that was developed out of the Edo period where visually impaired individuals were responsible for acupuncture and moxibustion treatment.  Skillful palpation is key to successful diagnosis and treatment as a Japanese Acupuncturist. 

Koki Is currently studying eagerly Functional Medicine for years. He is concerned with the underlying imbalances or dysfunctions of diseases. He seeks to identify and address the root causes of diseases. Instead of looking at and treating health problems as isolated diseases, he treats individuals who may have bodily symptoms, imbalances and dysfunctions.

Koki was born in Washington D.C. He lived there for 2 years before returning to Japan. Koki received his bachelor's from Meiji University of Integrative Medicine, Kyoto Japan.  He learned Oriental Medicine from both Eastern and Western perspective. This experience creates a unique treatment style in which Koki combines Eastern and Western principles to create a dynamic treatment and experience.

After he became an Acupuncturist in Japan he worked for several hospitals and private acupuncture clinics in Kyoto.  He treated a wide range of conditions. Many of his patients were school students or professional sport athletes including soccer, baseball, golf, tennis players, boxers, snowboarders and more.

After 7 years of practicing in Japan Koki decided he wanted to bring his experience and knowledge to the United States.  He attended the Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine College in Berkeley California and earned his Master's degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine.   Koki is licensed in the state of California. He taught acupuncture, moxibustion and Japanese acupuncture technique's classes at AIMC Berkley.   He was a supervisor to students in the clinic at AIMC Berkeley for 6 years. Koki taught the theory of Oriental Medicine, acupuncture techniques, and Japanese acupuncture at University of California Berkeley as well. Koki integrates Chinese medicine and Functional medicine in his practice. 


Currently, Koki services acupuncture treatment around Yokohama city in Japan. Koki specializes in treating chronic and complicated cases, digestion problems, and stress related symptoms. He believes that who you are is what you eat. He loves to talk about food, diet and life style.  Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can help you along the path toward optimal health and vitality, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

When I’m not working, you’ll find me playing soccer, hiking, playing with my daughter, food shopping or drinking coffee.

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