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Koki Kawanami Acupuncture

Healthy Gut - Healthy Life
Language: English and Japanese
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Eat well and Regain your health
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日本ではり師、きゅう師の免許を取得し、7年間の治療経験の後、アメリカのカリフォルニア州へより深く東洋医学を学びに行きました。そこで東洋医学全般(中医学、鍼灸、漢方、栄養学、気功など)を学んだ後、機能性医学(Functional Medicine)と出会いました。機能性医学とは薬に頼らず、その発症原因に着目しながら生活習慣の改善を通して、予防、根本治療を目指す、個体差を考慮した医学です。私はこれが21世紀の医学だと考えています。特に食事、睡眠、ストレス、運動の改善がとても大事であると気付きました。また自身の経験から東洋医学と機能性医学を組み合わせることで、治療効果が何倍にもなることを実感しています。特に慢性病、またなかなか症状の改善がみられないでお悩みの方は是非ご相談ください。
After 7 years of practicing in Japan Koki decided he wanted to bring his experience and knowledge to the United States. Koki learned Oriental Medicine including Acupuncture, Moxibustion, Herbs, Nutrition, Chi Gong) and Functional Medicine.
Functional Medicine seeks to identify and address the root causes of disease. Instead of looking at and treating health problems as isolated diseases, it treats individuals who may have bodily symptoms, imbalances and dysfunctions. Koki Believes it is an evolution in the practice of medicine and the future model of medical care of the 21st century. Koki integrates Oriental medicine and Functional medicine in his practice. He knows this combination makes his treatment much much effective. If you are suffered from any chronic and complicated diseases, contact Koki.

灸 Moxibustion
All acupuncture needles are sterile, single use medical devices. After each use, acupuncture needles are disposed in a medical waste container.
Moxibustion is a therapy which contains of burning dried mugwort on particular point on the body. The moxa is placed on the acupuncture point, burns, and is removed before it burns the skin.
食事療法 Diet
Who you are is what you eat. the Ancient Greek physician Hippocrates said "All diseases begins in the gut." nearly 2500 years ago. I believe your health begins in your gut.
サプリメント Supplement
The foods you eat is no longer contain the nutrient level you require for your health. There are some reasons, depleted nutrient soil, pesticides, toxics, antibiotics, and so on. The supplements may help preventing and recovering from many diseases.
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